The Forest
Trolle Ljungby conduct an environmentally sustainable forestry operation with the help of Skogsutveckling Syd AB. The woodlands are situated on the plains around castle, but more extensively up on ridge and slopes of Ryssberget. The productive woodland area surmounts to about 6500ha (ca16000 acres). Whereof, roughly thirds consist of fir, pine, and beech. The average site productivity is 8m3sk/ha (cubic meter standing volume / ha).
The forestry is characterized by longevity, environmental awareness, and quality. Aside from above mentioned species of production woods we have stands of all domestic species, but also some exotic (foreign) species that are interesting to study as they develop.To operate the forestry in an active manor, a good infrastructure must be in place. This means that we maintain about 150km of forest roads.
We work extensively with gamekeeping in the forest to uphold a vital game population. As an effect of the larger numbers of game the pressure on some of the stands increase in terms of damage caused. Therefore, we systematically work to ensure the regeneration of trees and to milden the affects the game have on trees.

We are certified through membership in Pancert’s group certification according to PEFC
PEFC is the world’s largest sustainable forest certification system “The Programme for Endorsement of Forest Certifikation” and brings together a global alliance of national certification systems.
The overall Swedish PEFC certification standard describe the system for PEFC certification of forestry, forestry contractors, and the wood supply chain in Sweden.

The Game
Trolle Ljungby estate has a long tradition of gamekeeping and hunting. Our gamekeeper Linus is responsible for the keeping and hunting of game here. It includes two large enclosures with Red and Fallow deer along with hatching, rearing, and releasing pheasant, mallard duck and partridge. The gamekeeper, a hunter, and a hunting pupil also make sure the game damage to the 23 tenant farms is kept at an acceptable level.
Further up on Ryssberget ridge to the north populations of fallow deer, red deer, wild boar, and mouflon are found. Whilst down on the plains by the castle you will find the well-established population of roe deer. A locality famous for its gold medal bucks.
Most of the game put down on Trolle Ljungby estate is taken care of in our own registered game slaughterhouse. The game is worked, hung, cut up and packaged to then be sold in our Game Shop – Viltboden. You are more than welcome to pay the shop a visit to bring a taste of the estate with you. It is well worth a visit.
Contact us so that we may tailor an experience for you and your mates.